
Sinti and Roma are currently the largest minority in Europe. At the same time, they are the group that is most discriminated against. Prejudices and stereotypes that they are confronted with today are hundreds of years old, yet many of us know far too little about their culture and history.The genocide of Sinti and Roma committed by the National Socialists during the Second World War is not well embedded in our historical knowledge.

A critical reexamination of history through pictures - you think it's not possible? Yes it is! Two graphic novels present the tragic stories of Emilie Danielová and Otto Rosenberg. You will learn about the Nazi crimes against Sinti and Roma, their culture and their struggle for equal rights. Interactively, you will be taken from place to place so you can connect the lives of the two protagonists with historical events.
Emilie Danielova

Emilie Danielová

was born in the Czechia on 28 February 1924.  Until the age of 18, she lived a happy life - she enjoyed beautiful celebrations with her family and was expecting a child.  As a Czech Romni she was accepted in her home village, she worked and lived her life like any other young woman in the village. Then one day she was deported to the forced labour camp Hodonín. Find out what happened to her and her family during the Nazi era here in this graphic novel.

Otto Rosenberg

Otto Rosenberg

was born on 28 April 1927. He was a child like any other, he loved his grandmother very much and grew up with her in Berlin. Otto was a good pupil, got on well with his classmates and had a carefree life - until he was drafted to forced labour by the National Socialists. Why? Because he was a German Sinto. Find out how this happened and what he experienced during the Second World War here in this graphic novel.

The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office as part of the program YOUNG PEOPLE remember.


Auswärtiges Amt
Fundation evz

European Academy Berlin in cooperation with the State Association of German Sinti and Roma Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., the Berlin-Marzahn Forced Camp Memorial and the Museum for Roma Culture in Brno.
Landesverband deutscher Sinti und Roma Berlin-Brandenburg e.V
Gedenkstätte Zwangslager Berlin-Marzahn
Museum of romani culture
Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 8959510

Digital Lines of Life and Death

The persecution of Sinti and Roma in the Nazi era
The lives of a Czech Romni and a German Sinto
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